Green Infrastructure, Hardscapes,
and Invasive Species Management
Green infrastructure is built into the landscape to reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff in urban areas. Rain gardens are a type of green infrastructure that intercept polluted runoff, providing flood storage and encouraging infiltration into the soils. Simultaneously, the amount of pollution is reduced due to nutrient uptake by plants and soil filtration. Rain gardens designed, installed, and maintained by Habitat Landscape are protecting lakes and streams throughout Northern Michigan while also providing wildlife habitat.
Green infrastructure often includes hardscaping, whether installing permeable pavers or placing boulders in rain gardens. Hardscapes are typically incorporated into our garden and restoration projects as well, to provide structural support and enhance landscapes. Our professionally designed and installed hardscapes range from beautifully designed flagstone pathways to intricate and stunning rock walls.
Invasive species can cause significant ecological and economic harm. Habitat Landscape specializes in the identification and control of invasive plant species, such as purple loosestrife and Phragmites. We work with property owners and local organizations to prioritize and implement invasive plant species control efforts, as well as develop invasive species management plans to ensure long-term success.